Online Resource of the Month: GLAAD’s ‘Guide to Faith, LGBT People & The Elections’


Much like here in Ireland, the debate about LGBT rights in the US is often framed as ‘God vs Gay’. The assumption that all religious people and faiths are anti-gay often goes unchallenged, and those hiding bias behind ‘faith’ are often not properly questioned on their position.

GLAAD and the Human Rights Campaign have collaborated to produce this fantasticguide to ‘Faith, LGBT People and the Elections’ for reporters and commentators.

I’ve chosen it as this month’s featured resource for two reasons:

  1. Many of the arguments in this guide could be useful to LGBT rights organisations here in Ireland.  Given that marriage equality is a prominent issue here, and our religious landscape is different from that in the US, perhaps LGBT organisations could look at producing an Irish version of this resource?
  2. It’s a great way of tackling poor debate around an issue.  Any Irish organisationworking on a frequently misunderstood or controversial issue could do well to use this as a model. It’s clear, concise, comprehensive and attractively presented. And by making it an online resource, GLAAD are able to distribute it for free.

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