Open Knowledge Ireland are hosting an Open Data Workshop for Charities in Dublin’s Guinness Enterprise Centre, on Monday 24th November. The event is free to attend, with advance registration required. The organisers say:
“Open Data Can Restore Trust In Charities.
Open Data is a worldwide movement to help organizations publish their data in a way that’s easy to use and understand. As part of this Open Knowledge Ireland held a charity data hackday last year and gathered €640m of audited financial data from 25 of Ireland’s largest charities and found that 87% goes to the cause.
They are hosting an event next Monday the 24th at 2pm in the Guinness Enterprise Centre and are inviting all charities to collaborate to provide annual report data and links to their best online content.
So register here, you’ll learn a lot from the data experts and let’s pull together to show Irish donors that their money is well spent. Find out more.”