Charity Hack is an initiative from Kevin Delaney and EimearĀ Clowry Delaney, two incredibly energetic and passionate fundraisers.
In short, it’s a day where small charities (‘hackees’) and people with charity campaign experience (‘hackers’) come together to spend a day sharing ideas and tackling problems.
I’m really excited that Charity Hack #4 has been arranged – it’s taking place on Saturday 12th September in Dublin city centre. So:
- If you’re a small charity – apply to be a hackee! You will get a day of intensive expert help for no cost and no strings attached.
- If you have relevant experience – apply to be hacker! I participated in Charity Hack #2 and it was one of the most fulfilling and enjoyable projects I’ve ever been involved in.
Lots more information available at the Charity Hack website.