The Wheel’s Better Together Video Storytelling Campaign

BetterTogether15ButtonAnyone who follows Digital Charity Lab online or has attended our workshops knows how passionate (nay, demented!) we are about storytelling for causes. As the author Zaid Hassan says, “My most profound learning over the last decade and a half is that making the rational case for change is never sufficient.”  Human stories are essential to cut through the noise and clutter and make a human connection.

Video is one of the most effective and immediate ways to tell your stories. Compelling videos can be produced so easily now, the digital tools available can really enhance your inventiveness, and consumers watch and share video more than ever. That’s why The Wheel’s Better Together Video Competition is such a welcome initiative. It encourages us in the non profit sector to tell our stories, and also to come together to show the impact that our sector has.

Competition Details

The 2015 Better Together Video Competition for community and voluntary organisations opens for entries on Monday 14 September at 9am. Any charity, club or association (no matter how large or small) on the island of Ireland can take part by entering a short video (no longer than two minutes).

This is your chance to:

  • show your organisation’s impact to the public (over 400,000 thousand people watched the entries last year!)
  • recruit new supporters or volunteers
  • fundraise online (optional)
  • and be in with a chance to win one of three €2,000 cash prizes!

Your video should be no longer than 2 minutes and should show:

  1. What you do
  2. Why it is important to your community
  3. How the public can support you

Top Tip: Videos that engage with the theme (“Better Together”) will receive bonus points in the judging process.

There are separate categories for small, medium-sized and large organisations. A cash prize of €2,000 will be awarded in each of these categories.  The closing date for submitting videos is November 6th.

Upload your video to Youtube or Vimeo and head over to to complete the entry form. Your video will be posted on your own profile page, and you will have access to free online fundraising and promotional tools.

Find out more at

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