Hack Day with iSkill Training – Get an App built for your charity

app developmentAn interesting opportunity on the horizon for a charity who needs to get an app developed – iSkill Training are holding a ‘hack day’ over the next month or so where they will build an Android app for a charity for free.

In their own words:

iSkill Training are planning on hosting an event for past learners from their software development courses to get together and develop code. We want a particular focus on the event to be aimed toward creating an Android application for a charity that will benefit from the app. We have created a short survey that we’d like potential charities that are interested in having an android app developed for them to fill out, so that we can process the information and choose a charity. We’d like to hear from you if you’re interested whether you have the idea for the app already or would like to discuss the possibilities.

A link to the survey is here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1KX77pR_eq1RjwJ4Cy2XLyr-r_ybOdGQoWH1k8tYJ2Mc/viewform

My e-mail is Dean.Harrison@iskill.ie and if you need any help or questions answered regarding what is/isn’t possible please do not hesitate to contact me and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

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