To date, over 140 of you have come to our workshops – we’re so delighted that we’ve been able to meet and work with so many of you.
Because we’re a social enterprise rather than a commercial organisation, it’s really important to us that we have an impact and help charities and non profits achieve measurable improvements. To this end, we’ve set up a short survey where you can tell us if you’ve been able to implement what you’ve learned at Digital Charity Lab’s workshops.
And because we know that you’re very busy, we have an incentive – everyone who completes the survey will go into a draw to win one of three free workshop spaces. It means that you could attend one of our autumn workshops for free (and we’re looking at some new and exciting topics, including SEO, web content writing and effective design for non profits).
Will you please take 2 minutes to give us your feedback on the workshops that you’ve attended in 2016?
PS: If you attended a workshop in 2015, you can complete this 2015 form instead.