Free Ebook on Digital Fundraising – by Adrian O’Flynn

Adrian O'Flynn - ebookMany of you will know Adrian O’Flynn from our expert workshops on digital fundraising and email; Adrian has recently written a really insightful and useful short ebook about digital fundraising.  Based on the comprehensive and successful tests he’s run as a consultant with charities in Ireland, the UK and the US, it outlines the new thinking that is needed around digital fundraising.

Digital is not much use as a direct ask channel, but it does provide great opportunities in terms of acquiring leads, and building a relationship with them (in fact Adrian has titled the ebook ‘Trust First, Fundraise Second’).

It’s a must-read for any fundraising managers who are currently sitting looking at Excel spreadsheets, wondering how on earth you’ll reverse the decline in traditional fundraising.

The ebook is free to download on Adrian’s Get Your Stories Straight website, and while you’re there, make sure to check out his blog posts as well.

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