O’Leary of Mindshare does regular interesting round ups of marketing
and digital trends, and has kicked off the New Year with a really helpful article that distills the best insights from three of the top rated marketing books of 2018.
He’s identified 30 key takeaways that cover topics such as planning,
brand building, emotion-driven marketing, cross-channel campaigns and
much more.
It’s particularly interesting reading to do at the start of the year,
when you’re reviewing and analysing your 2018 activity. The insights
here should add some useful extra perspective to your 2019 plans – are
you doing enough brand building, are you ensuring that your content is
getting enough reach, have you reviewed how your different channels
support each other?
Read Shane’s article on LinkedIn (and follow him there, his stuff is great).
*Shane does recommend buying all these books by the way and says there’s
a lot more to them, so do consider adding them to your reading list for