Digital Charity Lab on Simon Scriver’s Amazingly Ultimate Fundraising Superstar Podcast

Simon Scriver’s Amazingly Ultimate Fundraising Podcast is my favourite non-profit podcast; I was delighted to be invited on to talk with Simon about digital fundraising.  We covered the myths, pitfalls and frustrations with digital fundraising, and talked in depth about the three most effective channels for digital fundraising: email, Google Grant Ads and Facebook Fundraising.

I’ve gathered together a list of links for the people, services and resources that we mentioned in the podcast:

Facebook Fundraising

  • Adrian O’Flynn is the best digital fundraiser I know, he’s doing extremely innovative and effective work with Facebook Fundraising. His website is at:
  • GivePanel is an online service created by Nick Burne that helps manage Facebook Fundraisers, it is fantastic for reconciling your donations and thanking your donors.
  • Interview with Jill O’Herlihy of Mental Health Ireland, about how she developed an exceptional donor care practice that led to great success with Facebook Fundraising tools

Google Grant Ads

How to get the Google Grant for your charity:

Digital Charity Lab has lots of resources to help you with Google Grant Ads:

Email marketing

You might also be interested in the online course Simon and I collaborated on, it’s on digital marketing for non-profits. It’s had over 500 students to date and is highly rated on

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