New! Podcast on Facebook Ad Strategy for Non-Profits

We have two new learning resources that I’m really excited about.  They’re all about strategies that work for Facebook Ads.

Currently, non-profits in our community ask for help with Facebook Ads more than any other digital channel. I think there’s an understanding out there that Facebook Ads have massive potential, but a serious gap when it comes to knowing how to plan and run truly strategic campaigns.  Would you agree?

I was really delighted when Adrian O’Flynn, the absolute best Facebook Ads expert I know, offered to share what he has learned and let me pick his brains. We captured the conversation in a podcast, which is now available right here on the Digital Charity Lab site. In just 45 minutes or so, Adrian shares valuable and actionable advice you can use to massively improve your Facebook Ad campaigns.

There’s also a new downloadable guide to Facebook Ad strategy, which distills the advice into a guide and provides template plans and suggested schedules for effective Facebook Ad campaigns.

I hope you find these useful – and I’d love to hear your feedback in the comments…

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