Crowdsourced remote learning opportunities for non-profits

I’ve created a resource for crowdsourcing learning opportunities for charities – I keep seeing really interesting online courses, webinars and events, and thought it would be useful to start gathering them in one place:

It’s a Google Sheet that anyone can add events to, and it covers:

  • scheduled remote learning events like webinars
  • online courses that can be undertaken at any time
  • new learning that’s been developed in response to Covid19
  • existing courses that have been around for a while but are still relevant and useful

The idea is that this will be a useful resource for anyone who’s furloughed or laid off and wants to spend some time on professional development, or anyone who’s looking to upskill themselves or their team while working remotely.

I’d love any feedback you have on this, and would really appreciate if you could share it.

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