Contact Us

If you would like to get in touch with Digital Charity Lab, email us on hello (at)

If you are looking for digital advice, the best place to start is the Online Community – see below. Sign up and post your question there, and you’re very likely to get help.

Digital Charity Lab does not have a phone number, and cannot provide support over the phone.

Backlinks & guest posts: please do not contact us asking us to link to your content or to run a guest post. We get bombarded with requests like this and frankly they’re very spammy and annoying. If you would like a presence on our site, sponsored posts start at €600.

Join Our Community

Join our online community of people working on digital projects in charities.  The Irish Charity Web group has been running since 2011 and has over 200 members from Irish non-profits who regularly share knowledge and help each other solve problems. If you have a question about a non-profit digital project, the community is a great place to ask it! Find out more and sign up today.

If you’re not in Ireland, there are a number of international communities of practice that are really useful – see our 5 Minute Guide to Digital Training for some recommendations.

Mailing List

Sign up to receive a monthly email with the best tips and resources from the Digital Charity Lab, as well as advance notice of training, workshops and other events.