Real life case studies from Irish charities, walking you through a variety of digital projects, and their good and bad outcomes.
- “Good Comms, Bad Comms” with Sho Walker-Konno & Digital Charity Lab
- A Community Fundraising with Facebook Success Story: Interview with Jill O’Herlihy of Mental Health Ireland
- Case Study: How Debra Ireland Won a Community Grant on Social Media
- Case Study: Presentation Skills Training
- Case Study: Google Alerts for Media Monitoring
- Case Study: Revamp of Amnesty’s Ebulletin
- Case Study: ‘Barnardos Knows’ Budget Campaign
- Case Study: Barnardos Children’s Referendum Graphic
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Would you like to share a case study from your charity? Share your learnings for the good of the sector, and highlight the work that you’re doing. Case studies can be displayed anonymously if you would prefer your charity not to be identified. Mail for details.