Meta discontinues use of dynamic creative for ‘political & social’ ads

I recently learned the hard way that Meta no longer permit the use of the dynamic creative format for ads that are in the ‘political and social issues’ category. You’re probably familiar with the hard way, if you’ve ever used Meta ads: I set up a campaign, ticked the ‘political and social’ category. The system … Read more

Facebook Fundraising ends in the European Economic Area; what to do next?

The end of Facebook Fundraising in Europe

Meta put out a huge, startling announcement about their fundraising tools on April 25th. They’re removing the fundraising tools in all European Economic Area countries, starting July 1st. What this means for charities in the EEA The Facebook Giving Tools will stop working on July 1st There is no mooted switch to the PayPal Giving … Read more

You can’t set up a ‘work’ profile for managing your charity’s Facebook. Here’s why.

8 minute read Can we set up separate Facebook profiles for work, in order to manage our charity’s Pages and Groups? Unfortunately, you cannot. The Facebook rules are: one profile per individual, using your real name. This is clearly stated in their terms and conditions, which you have to agree to in order to use … Read more