Resource of the month: Finding the Right Messenger for Your Message

Finding the Right Messenger for Your Message

I saw an online conversation recently about plans for yet another charity sector campaign to try to ‘rebuild trust in the charity sector’. Someone in that conversation said: “Who better to advocate for the charity sector, than the charity professional bodies?” And to be honest, this made my heart sink. Yes, maybe some audiences who … Read more

Online Resource of the Month: Uplift’s Let’s Talk Repeal

About five years ago, the smart progressive campaigners I know (from communities like the ECF) started talking about the growing fear that we weren’t reaching beyond our own filter bubble. Then stuff started happening that confirmed this (you have may noticed them, such fun developments as ‘Brexit’ and ‘Donald Trump becoming President of the USA’). … Read more

A Guide to Communicating in a Way that Changes Minds – from Equally Ours

A line I heard at the Fairsay Campaigning Forum this year really resonated with me: (paraphrasing) “we in the NGO sector get annoyed about bad science all the time (such as climate deniers), yet we constantly ignore the science of behavourial psychology.‘  This is so, so true. We’ve learned from Brexit and Trump that repeating … Read more

The Wheel’s Better Together Video Competition 2016 – Enter and Vote!

The Wheel’s annual Better Together video competition is on again and you have until November 21st to submit your entry. It’s a really nice opportunity for charities, non profits, community organisations, clubs etc to showcase your work and demonstrate your impact. And in fact, impact is the theme for 2016. Videos can be ‘Epics’ (2 mins … Read more