‘Raising awareness’ should never be the only goal for your charity’s campaign. Here’s why.

‘Raising awareness’ should never be the only goal for your charity’s campaign. Why? Let’s start with this perfect summary from the Spitfire Strategies Smart Chart communications guide (an unmissable resource, go get it immediately): “Watch out for vague objectives such as “raising public awareness.” Usually “public awareness” is not an objective in and of itself. … Read more

New free download: a toolkit for managing your digital accounts

Something that keeps coming up over and over in the online communities that I’m in, is people getting locked out of their work social media accounts, and desperately looking for help. Reports of organisations getting locked out of their Twitter, Instagram and especially Facebook accounts seem to have got even more common this year, probably … Read more

Resource of the month: The Remote Starter Kit, by Hanno

Remote Starter Kit

We probably all feel like remote working veterans at this stage, but there are still so many challenges. My clients and contacts tell me they’re struggling with productivity and time management, and with brainstorming creative projects while teams are all distanced.  I was pleased to discover this Remote Starter Kit by the digital designers Hanno.  … Read more

Behavior = Motivation + Ability + Prompt: The Fogg Behaviorial Model and Digital Charities

the Fogg Behaviour Model

I’ve been reading recently about the very interesting Fogg Behavior Model, which identifies the three elements that are required to get someone to take an action: Behavior = Motivation + Ability + Prompt This was developed by BJ Fogg of Stanford’s Behavior Design Lab, and he defines it thus: “three elements must converge at the … Read more

Resource of the Month: The Toolbox Toolbox

The Toolbox Toolbox

I’ve found the motherlode. A mythical dragon’s hoard of inspiration and ways to work better.  Or, now that I’ve calmed down a bit: “a curated list of the best analogue and digital toolboxes and methods from companies, institutions and thinkers”.  Design agency Studio Theolin have put together this phenomenally useful ‘Toolbox of toolboxes’ that cover all kinds of themes … Read more