When: Tuesday 22nd September, 10am – 1pm
Where: Harcourt Hotel, Harcourt St, Dublin 2
Sponsors: Promozoo
Email marketing is hugely important for charities; it consistently delivers better results for fundraising and campaigns than social media. Yet many charities struggle to make the most of their email lists, and to keep up with best practice for creating effective emails.
The ‘Improving Your Charity’s Emails’ workshop from Digital Charity Lab will focus on practical tips, that will help you get more out of your mailing list and the time you spend on it.
- Adrian O’Flynn is an email expert who increased Concern Worldwide’s return-on-investment on email by over 500%. Adrian has wide experience in crafting effective emails and delivering real results from email
- Jean O’Brien has over a decade’s experience working as a digital communications specialist in Irish charities, and has run many successful email campaigns for charities such as Oxfam Ireland and Barnardos.
Workshop Content
- The case for email
- Improving and modernising your organisation’s emails
- Making emails more effective
- Advice on working with a small budget and limited time
- Exercises on improving existing emails, developing content ideas and more
Attendees will also have access to help after the workshop, with implementing what they’ve learned.
Who is it suitable for?
Charities that are using email marketing and would like to work more effectively. This workshop is suitable for charities of all sizes.
This workshop is kindly sponsored by Promozoo. Award winning marketing agency Promozoo provide a full service around email marketing and will help you devise a strategy and a communications plan as well as providing an email platform. With a range of clients from various sectors they bring a great depth of expertise in the field of email marketing, and they offer a 10% discount to charities.